Every other week we go to the library and fill our big library bag with as many books as can fit. There's no rhyme or reason to what books we pick, we just make sure to grab some that look relatively age appropriate. Enjoy our reviews of our favorites from each trip!
Gomer and Little Gomer by Ronni Ann A. Herman - This was a cute little book about a dog and his lovey. Unfortunately, it made me regress back to 3rd grade each time I read one of the main character's name "Chi-chi" the Chihuahua. Yeah, that means something completely different to me! :)
Jump! by Scott Fischer - This was one of M's favorite books, mostly because she got to Jump!
Mommy's Best Kisses by Margaret Anastas - What a sweet book! This is full of various mommy animals kissing their babies. M has been in a funny stage lately where she asks for all sorts of kisses before going to bed (forehead kisses, nose kisses, etc), so we both related with this one.
Little Gorilla by Ruth Bornstein - This follows a newborn little gorilla and all the forest animals who love him. The illustrations are really neat and the storyline is simple and fun.
Previously by Allan Ahlberg - A really fun book that tells some common fairytales in backwards order. I learned quite a bit from this book! Who knew that Jack from "Jack and the Beanstalk" is Jill's brother from "Jack and Jill"? We'll definitely be checking to see if this author has any more books at our library!
Maybe a Bear Ate It! by Robie Harris - What happens when a little kittie can't find his book before bed? Tantrums and searching! We can definitely relate to this since if M doesn't have her specific sippy cup or book or stuffed animal, all heck breaks loose!
All these books look like ones that my J would enjoy. I went back and checked and we have kids almost the same age (2 months apart) so this makes sense! Little Gorilla looks so cute. I just got the Mommy's Best Kisses from the library, that is too funny that you have it on your post. We'll have to read that this week.
All these books look like ones that my J would enjoy. I went back and checked and we have kids almost the same age (2 months apart) so this makes sense! Little Gorilla looks so cute. I just got the Mommy's Best Kisses from the library, that is too funny that you have it on your post. We'll have to read that this week.