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Monday, January 10, 2011

Snowmen & Snowflake Family Night

We ate snowmen & snowflake shaped french toast!  Yay for fun cookie cutters!

We made a snowy picture, using "Snow Paint" - which was basically a mixture of equal parts flour, salt, and water.  It becomes a little bit sparkly when it dries and has a great texture!  We used this awesome snowman sponge that I got from Michaels yesterday for 20 cents!

We made snowflakes out of paper.  Well, my husband and I made snowflakes out of paper and M practiced her cutting skills with her little scissors by cutting one piece of paper into the tiniest pieces she could.

...and Rafael spent his time playing with colored popsicle sticks and a yogurt container!

We had a snowstorm in the living room!  We used our little snowflakes and threw them up into the air for M & R to catch.  This was easily their favorite part of the night!