M is 31 months old
Official Tot School
Domino Parking Lot
Count and Clip
Hide and Count Pasta
Extra Learning
We sort of took this week off. We had a lot going on, and my husband (who is a teacher) had fall break on Thursday and Friday so we decided to just forget about school for the week. We did get to go on a really great tour of the Nestle Cafe and M got to decorate her own cookie!
Teacher Lessons
Learn and Adapt. I've been realizing that our schedule just isn't working for us. I find that I am often scrambling in the morning to get us ready for the day, and Tot School is put on the back burner. R is also starting to give up his morning nap, so I have to figure out how to change things around so that I still can have some quality time with M alone. I'll be doing a lot of planning this week, trying to get our new schedule set. Stay tuned for changes!
That's all for this week! To see what other toddlers are learning this week, check out the official Tot School Website!
Totally hear you on learn and ADAPT! Good Luck! Kerri